Seoul National University (SNU; Korean: 서울대학교; Hanja: 서울大學校; lit. Seoul University) is a national research university located in Seoul, South Korea. Founded in 1946, Seoul National University is widely regarded as the most prestigious university in South Korea. The university has three campuses: the main campus in Gwanak District and two additional campuses in Daehangno and Pyeongchang County.
The university comprises sixteen colleges, one graduate school and nine professional schools. The student body consists of nearly 17,000 undergraduate and 11,000 graduate students. According to data compiled by KEDI, the university spends more on its students per capita than any other university in the country that enrolls at least 10,000 students.
Seoul National University holds a memorandum of understanding with over 700 academic institutions in 40 countries, the World Bank and a general academic exchange program with the University of Pennsylvania. Moreover, the university is part of Washington University in St. Louis's McDonnell International Scholars Academy. The Graduate School of Business offers dual master's degrees with Duke University, ESSEC Business School, Hitotsubashi University and Yale School of Management and MBA-, MS- and PhD-candidate exchange programs with universities in ten countries on four continents. Furthermore, the Graduate School of International Studies offers dual master's degree with the Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo, ESSEC Business School, KU Leuven's Faculty of Social Science, the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Tübingen and Peking University's School of International Studies, as well as exchange programs at distinguished universities in 17 countries for MA- and PhD-candidates.Following a government mandate to globalize Korean universities, the university's international faculty head count peaked at 242 or 4% of the total in 2010, but subsequently declined.
Seoul National University, and specifically its undergraduate liberal arts college, finds its roots in the remaining properties from the abolished Keijō Imperial University, one of the Imperial Universities founded by the Japanese Empire. In the 1940s, with US Military Ordinance No.102 of United States Army Military Government in Korea, Keijo Imperial University was abolished. Later, the government of the Republic of Korea merged the remaining properties with nine colleges and professional schools, and the consolidated institution was renamed Seoul National University in accordance with the Act of the National University Seoul enacted by the National Assembly.
서울대학교(영어: Seoul National University ]는 대한민국 서울 관악구에 위치한 국립 대학이다. 1946년에 경성제국대학을 포함한 여러 관·공·사립 전문학교가 통합되면서 국립종합대학 ‘국립서울대학교’가 설립되었다. 1948년에 ‘서울대학교’로 명칭이 바뀌었고, 2011년에는 국립대학법인으로 전환되었다.법인의 명칭은 국립대학법인 서울대학교이다. 현재 서울대학교는 대한민국의 거점국립대학교 가운데 하나이다. 2020년 기준으로 국립대학법인 서울대학교 설립·운영에 관한 법률 제4조 제1항 제4호에 따라 주된 사무소를 서울특별시 관악구에 소재한 관악캠퍼스에 설치하고, 그밖에 서울 종로구, 강원특별자치도 평창군, 경기 시흥시에 멀티캠퍼스를 두고 있다. 15개 단과대학 82개 학과(부), 1개 자유전공학부, 1개 일반대학원 석사과정 5계열 72학과(부) 31개 협동과정, 박사과정 5계열 73학과(부) 32개 협동과정, 12개의 전문대학원 15개 학과(부)로 구성되어 있다.