Umubano Academy, Rwanda
Umubano Academy is a Nursery, Primary and Lower secondary School, in Kigali, Rwanda. 르완다 키갈리에 위치한 어린이집, 초등학교 및 중학교
WLTS is collaborating with Umubano Academy so to have our lecture resources used for the better, in the classrooms and curriculums, and sponsor scholarships by implementing fundraising activities in the WTLS network of schools. The profits from fundraising activities would be donated to students in need, sponsoring scholarships for students at Umubano School in Rwanda. As part of the fundraising activities, members of WLTS had been selling products and partnering with Umubano Academy students to showcase their art crafts and design, and also collaborating with them and their bracelet-making tutorial to open bracelet-making events and sell bracelets.
The Founder of WLTS, Seungeun Lee, is officially the international schools ambassador of Umubano Academy and APIE.
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