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Youth Members

from 13+ countries


Lecture Videos

& Resources created by WLTS members



APs, IBs, languages, etc.


Subscribers on

YouTube from

19 countries

Sharing Minds
can Change
the World

From a 15-year-old's YouTube channel

to a global educational NGO,

WTLS is more than knowledge-sharing; it's a youth movement of fostering hope, unlocking opportunity, and believing in the power of small actions to create vast impacts in the world.

We Learn to Share logo


Youth Members

from 14+ countries


Lecture Videos

& Resources created by WLTS members



APs, IBs, languages, etc.


Subscribers on

YouTube from

19 countries

Bridging the Education Gap, Together.

We Learn to Share 전세계 학생들의 지식나눔협회

WLTS는 2021년에 당시 청심국제고등학교 1학년 이승은 학생에 의해 설립되었습니다. 저희 단체는 교육이 필요한 사람들에게 온라인 플랫폼을 통해 국경, 시간, 장소에 구애받지 않고 도움을 주며, 학생들이 직접 배우고 직접 가르쳐 지식을 나누는 기쁨을 확장하는 데 설립 목적이 있습니다. 


We Learn to Share 전세계 학생들의 지식나눔협회는 13개국, 35개의 고등학교와

5개의 대학교에 다니는 80여명의 전세계의 학생들로 구성되어 운영되고 있으며, 오직 한 청소년에 의해 조직되어지고 수많은 청소년들이 교육불평등 해소 및 교육의 제로헝거를 달성하기 위해 온라인 지식나눔 봉사를 실천하고 있는 국제단체입니다. 저희는 많은 청소년들이 배우고 나누는 즐거움을 확장할 수 있도록, 그리고 청소년들이 변화하는 시대에 발맞춰 봉사와 나눔을 실천할 수 있도록 희망의 메시지를 널리 전하고자 합니다. 

Worldwide Students' Knowledge-Sharing Association

We Learn to Share was founded by Seungeun Lee (Elena) in 2021, who was 15, attending CheongShim International Academy in South Korea at the time. The organization was established with the goal of providing educational help to people across the world while giving our students a chance to understand the feeling of happiness and accomplishment earned through knowledge-sharing.

​The members of We Learn to Share are 80+ students from 13 countries, attending 35 highschools and 5 universities.  It is an international organization that started by a YouTube channel runned by just one high school student but expanded into a platform where many students can share their knowledge on subjects such as APs, IBs, and languages. We hope to spread hopeful messages to the world with hopes of giving as many students as possible a chance to understand the joy of learning and allowing teenagers to volunteer and share their knowledge.

Empowerment Through Education

Our lecture videos are used in classrooms of  Rwanda, where the bright young minds can learn and create a brighter future, one video at a time.

​저희의 지식나눔 영상들은 실제로 르완다 학교에서도 사용되며, 국경을 넘어 모두에게 교육기회를 제공하고자 하고 있습니다.

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